Well-Fed Self-Publisher

Want to be a Well-Fed Affiliate?

Interested in promoting the Well-Fed product line
in return for a share of the profits?

Got a web site or newsletter with a target audience similar to mine? Well now, every person you send my way that purchases any product off either my Well-Fed Writer or Well-Fed Self-Publisher sites will put dollars in your pocket.

The concept is simple. You sign up to be an affiliate, at which point, you’ll be provided with a unique URL along with small banner ads with book cover artwork (if you choose to use them), all of which are “tagged” to you specifically, and which you’d use on your web site or in your promotional materials. For a more detailed explanation, click the “Here’s how it works” link below…       

I think you’ll find the program is quite generous, with commission on books at 15% (three times what Amazon pays!), even higher levels on CDs and bundled hard book/digital ebook combos (20%), and higher yet on standalone digital ebook products (25%).

Thanks for your help in spreading the word, and may we ALL be “well-fed”! 

Here’s how it works…

the title tailor